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Tone.js time運用說明


Time Patrick Estabrook edited this page on 31 Jan 2018 · 6 revisions All methods which take time as an argument accept a String or Number. Time encoded as a Number is assumed to be seconds and returned. Time encoded as a String can take various forms in order to synchronize it to the Tone.Transport.

Examples: Numbers A number will be evaluated as the time (in seconds).

1.2 = 1.2 seconds
"3" = 3 seconds

Notation Describes time in BPM and time signature relative values.

"4n" = quarter note
"8t" = eighth note triplet
"2m" = two measures
"8n." = dotted-eighth note

Transport Time Tempo and time signature relative time in the form BARS:QUARTERS:SIXTEENTHS.

"32:0:0" = start of the 32nd measure.
"4:3:2" = 4 bars + 3 quarter notes + 2 sixteenth notes.
"1:2" = 1 bar + 2 quarter notes (sixteenth notes can be omitted)

Frequency Seconds can also be described in Hz.

"1hz" = 1 second
"5hz" = 0.2 seconds

Ticks A time relative to the Transport's PPQ (Pulse Per Quarter). The number before the 'i' needs to be an integer.

"1i" = 1 tick
"192i" = 1 quarter note at 192 PPQ

Now-Relative Prefix any of the above with "+" and it will be interpreted as "the current time plus whatever expression follows"

"+1m" = 1 measure from now
"+0.5" = half a second from now

No Argument Methods which accept time, no argument (undefined) will be interpreted as "now" (i.e. the audioContext.currentTime).

For example, Tone.MonoSynth's triggerAttack method will accept a time as the second argument, or if a value is ommitted, the it will default to "now".

synth.triggerAttack();//context.currentTime synth.triggerRelease("+4n"); //a quarter-note from now Quantization Using the @ symbol, a Time can be quantized relative to the the Transport's grid.

"@1m" = If the Transport is started, this will return the time of the next measure


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